Saturday 9 April 2011

Taunted Teen in Housing Hell

For my university newspaper assignment in journalism, I decided to do my own news feature, so in true journalist style I found my own news story. A student attending Coventry university had previously told me of her distress concerning her accommodation, so I asked for her permission to write a piece about her torment. She agreed and I came up with questions to ask her and then I wrote up an article with information solely sought out by myself.

University student forced to leave accommodation after months of abuse
Studying Events Management at Coventry University, Amie Williams moved into the Callice Court in October and was subjected to vile torment by a handful of yobbish students.
  The bullying began during Freshers, when the 18-year-old refused to go out with the group. A roommate chased her down the corridor with a permanent marker, threatening to scrawl inappropriate messages on her forehead. The distressed student escaped and locked herself in her room until they left.
  The following week, other graduates turned the furniture in her flat upside down, including the sofas, kettle, toaster and stereo. The disrespectful youths poured cider under Amie’s door, staining the carpet. An upcoming inspection led Amie to clean the mess before a fine was issued.
  Complaints were brought forward to university staff about noise levels in the building, yet no action was taken. Amie claimed she was “lucky to get three hours sleep” due to the pumping bass line coming from the room below.
  Drunken yobs trashed the flat, threw Amie’s possessions out the window and broke the lift. One boy was in a paralytic state as he began to violently attack another boy with a fire extinguisher. Police were also summoned in to break up a fight in the kitchen.
  Amie, still upset from the experience, said “I always felt lonely. I had to leave; I couldn’t cope with the abuse and peer pressure.”
  “One night my flat mates were drinking in the kitchen with a bunch of random people. They all teased me for drinking lemonade; I felt like a complete outsider.”
  The troubled teenager confirmed her exit yesterday and will move out by the end of the week.

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